Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Patrick Lutz NSF Postdoctoral Scholar Mathematical Logic Faculty, Postdoc

Computability theory and descriptive set theory

Mark Macerato Graduate Student
Nicki Magill NSF Postdoctoral Fellow Geometry/Topology, Algebra Faculty, Postdoc

Quantitative symplectic geometry, symplectic embeddings, and low dimensional topology.

Yuchen Mao Mathematical Analysis Graduate Student
Andrew Marks Professor Mathematical Logic Senate Faculty

Descriptive set theory and connections with computability, combinatorics, ergodic theory, operator algebras

Ahmee Marshall-Christensen Graduate Student
Ryan Martinez Graduate Student
Zoe McDonald Probability Graduate Student
Ralph McKenzie Professor Emeritus Mathematical Logic, Algebra Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

General algebra, Logic

Zack McNulty Applied Mathematics, Probability Graduate Student
Arryanna Mendoza HR Information System, Payroll Administrator Staff
Yiping Miao Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Anya Michaelsen Algebra Graduate Student
C. Keith Miller Professor Emeritus Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Partial differential equations, Numerical methods for PDE's

Kathryn Mills Front Office Administrator Staff
Claire Mirocha Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Borislav Mladenov Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor Algebra Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor, Faculty

Algebraic geometry, mathematical physics

Saud Molaib Graduate Student
Arnold Mong Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Antonio Montalbán Professor Mathematical Logic Senate Faculty

Mathematical logic, computability theory