Academic Student Employees

Academic Student Employees (ASE)

The ASE application for the 2025 summer period is open. Please consider applying if you are interested in supporting a Summer Session math class. For all interested, please visit our hiring platform (ACG) to apply for GSI, UGSI and/or Reader positions: Please do not send unsolicited application-related messages to Instructors of Record. Fall 2025 hiring will begin in early May. 

If you are interested in supporting the Math Department as a GSI, UGSI, or Reader, please review the information below.

Important Information (section links)

Graduate Student Instructor (GSI)

To be qualified, students must have a strong background in mathematics (i.e. have taken multiple advanced math courses as an undergraduate or graduate student) and have received high grades in relevant coursework (ideally A- or higher). We strongly prefer applicants with prior teaching experience at Berkeley. We will accept GSI applications as long as there is a need. GSI hiring order is as follows: firstly, Mathematics or Logic Group graduate students; secondly, continuing or returning GSIs from outside programs/departments; and thirdly, remaining qualified applicants.

Most math courses over the summer happen during Summer Sessions C,  an 8-week period from June 23 to August 15. The standard Math GSI appointment over the summer period is set at either 80% FTE, equivalent to 32 hours per week (average over the appointment period), or 100% FTE, equivalent to 40 hours per week (average over the appointment period). The FTE percent time is based on the course assignment and expected workload.


  • For non-Math/Logic PhD applicants: attach syllabi or course outlines for any math-relevant courses on your academic record (undergrad and grad). Not including these records will hinder our ability to properly review your application.
  • All applicants should report if they will have additional appointments (Reader, GSI, GSR, on-campus, other campus, or LBNL). Please include as much detail as possible, e.g. percentage FTE, position, and hiring unit (ex. 25% GSI MEC ENG). If you are uncertain, share as much information as possible. 
    • Unreported concurrent appointments may cause work authorization issues.
  • All applicants should list at least 3 courses per “level of interest” on the application (exclude grad-level 200 courses). Course placement depends on many factors, including departmental need and GSI experience, and therefore we cannot guarantee applicants placement in their preferred courses.

 Important things to keep in mind for GSI positions:  

  • ASE union requirement: New GSIs must attend UAW Orientations.

  • GSI course assignments are subject to change according to departmental teaching needs. 

Learn more about GSI responsibilities, requirements, and eligibility via the Appointments Handbook.

Undergraduate Student Instructor (UGSI) 

UGSIs are appointed by exception only. Exceptions are approved by the Campus only if a department is not able to recruit any qualified graduate students (including graduate students from other departments) to fill an essential GSI position. Positive prior experience in other academic appointments (e.g. Reader, Tutor) is taken into consideration when selecting UGSIs. UGSIs are subject to many of the same requirements as GSIs so please review the GSI section of this page as well.

Important things to keep in mind for UGSI positions:  

  • Applicants must have a 3.3 overall GPA or better, and have earned an A- or better in the course they wish to teach.

  • Eligibility requirements for GSIs (see hiring info section for GSIs above) also apply to UGSIs, including language proficiency (if applicable) and first-time GSI requirements.

  • View Berkeley Labor Relations to see current rates for UGSI pay.

  • UGSIs are eligible for fee remissions.

  • ASE union requirement: New UGSIs must attend UAW Orientations.

  • Learn more about UGSI eligibility via the Appointments Handbook.

Please note the following when submitting a UGSI application:

  • All applicants should report if they will have additional appointments (Reader, GSI, GSR, on-campus, other campus, or LBNL). Please include as much detail as possible, e.g. percentage FTE, position, and hiring unit (ex. 20% SLC Tutor). If you are uncertain, share as much information as possible. 
    • Unreported concurrent appointments may cause work authorization issues.
  • For "Class Assignment Preferences,” select only lower-division courses and please list at least 3 classes in each interest category (high, medium, low). 

  • Use the “additional information” box to include any and all information that can help us determine your qualifications to teach (e.g. prior teaching or Reader experience, math background, etc.).


Readers primarily support the grading of student papers and examinations but may also be asked to perform other course-related duties (e.g. proctoring, holding office hours). Readers do not perform teaching duties. Eligibility requirements:

  • Applicants must have a 3.3 overall GPA or better and an A- or better in the mathematics courses (or equivalent) for which they want to be a Reader. 

  • View Berkeley Labor Relations to see current rates for Reader pay.

  • Undergraduate Readers are not eligible for fee remissions.

  • ASE union requirement: New readers must attend UAW Orientations.
  • Hiring for Readers will depend on course enrollment and additional class support needs. The number of available positions varies each semester.

Learn more about Reader position eligibility via the Appointments Handbook.

Peer Tutor

Students interested in supporting math learning as a Peer Tutor should visit the Student Learning Center's (SLC) Peer Tutor staffing page. SLC hires Peer Tutors to support several Math courses every semester. Application procedures, minimum qualifications, and compensation details are located on SLC's staffing page.

The Mathematics Department does not manage Peer Tutor appointments nor have input in Peer Tutor hiring decisions.

Math 1

Math 1 (Foundations of Lower Division Mathematics) prepares incoming students for the abrupt shift from high school to university mathematics. As a summer program held during Summer Sessions E (July 28 - August 15), the course focuses on teaching the foundational knowledge needed for Berkeley's introductory Calculus classes. As part of the program, we're looking to hire a group of GSIs/UGSIs with a year (or more) of university mathematics, preferably at Berkeley. Your main duties will include:

  1. Running daily discussion sections (going through worksheet problems) with a group of 20 to 30 incoming students. For many students, this will be their very first learning experience at university.  Your task will be to make them feel welcome and cared for, as well as introduce them to university-level Mathematics.

  2. Holding several weekly office hours in small groups.

Applicants with undergrad math coursework at Berkeley will be familiar with the course style of Math 1 because Professor Alexander Paulin is involved in the course design (lectures, videos, etc). GSI/UGSI appointments supporting Math 1 will be set at 30% FTE, equivalent to 12 hours per week (average over the appointment period).  The instruction mode for Math 1 is remote, and work will be remote.

GSIs/UGSIs supporting Math 1 are subject to the same eligibility requirements as GSIs/UGSIs supporting other Math courses so please review the other relevant sections of this page as well. Interested Math 1 applicants can use the Summer 2025 ASE Application

Misconduct Disclosure

As a condition of employment, the finalist will be required to disclose if they are subject to any final administrative or judicial decisions within the last seven years determining that they committed any misconduct, are currently being investigated for misconduct, left a position during an investigation for alleged misconduct, or have filed an appeal with a previous employer.

  • “Misconduct” means any violation of the policies or laws governing conduct at the applicant’s previous place of employment, including, but not limited to, violations of policies or laws prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other forms of harassment, discrimination, dishonesty, or unethical conduct, as defined by the Employer. 

For salary information for positions, please refer to the published salary scales available at the UCOP website and local website at: P&C website

If you have a question that is not addressed here, please send your inquiry to (Mathematics Graduate Advisor). Please do not send unsolicited application-related messages to Instructors of Record.