Leon A. Henkin

JOB TITLE: Professor Emeritus

Other Affiliations: Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science

UC In Memoriam bibliography

PhD students

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RESEARCH AREA: Mathematical Logic

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Geometry, Partial differential equations, Physics


  1. Leon Henkin. The discovery of my completeness proofs. Bull. Symbolic Logic, 2(2):127-158, 1996.
  2. Leon Henkin. In memoriam: Raphael Mitchell Robinson. Bull. Symbolic Logic, 1(3):340-343, 1995.
  3. J. Donald Monk. Remarks on the problems in the books: Cylindric algebras part i, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1971; MR 47 #3171; part ii, 1985; MR 86m:03095b] by L. Henkin, Monk and A. Tarski, and cylindric set algebras [Lecture Notes in Math., 883, Springer, Berlin, 1981; MR 84a:03078] by Henkin, Monk, Tarski, H. Andréka and I. Németi. In Algebraic logic (Budapest, 1988), volume 54 of Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, pages 723-726. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991.
  4. J. Donald Monk. Corrections for the books: Cylindric algebras [part i, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1971; MR 47 #3171; part ii, 1985; MR 86m:03095b] by L. Henkin, Monk and A. Tarski, and cylindric set algebras [Lecture Notes in Math., 883, Springer, Berlin, 1981; MR 84a:03078] by Henkin, Monk, Tarski, H. Andréka and I. Németi. In Algebraic logic (Budapest, 1988), volume 54 of Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, pages 719-722. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991.
  5. Henry L. Alder and Ivan Niven. Award for Distinguished Service to Leon Henkin. Amer. Math. Monthly, 97(1):3-4, 1990.

Leon A. Henkin