Job title:
Research area:
Year Appointed: 1992
Selected Publications:
- Gorelik, Maria and Serganova, Vera (2008). On representations of the affine superalgebra germ q(n)^(2). Mosc. Math. J. 8 No.1, 91-109, 184. [MR(link is external)] [GS?(link is external)]
- Serganova, Vera V. and Skorobogatov, Alexei N. (2007). Del Pezzo surfaces and representation theory. Algebra Number Theory 1 No.4, 393-419. [MR(link is external)] [GS?(link is external)]
- Hoyt, Crystal and Serganova, Vera (2007). Classification of finite-growth general Kac-Moody superalgebras. Comm. Algebra 35 No.3, 851-874. [MR(link is external)] [GS?(link is external)]
- Grantcharov, Dimitar and Serganova, Vera (2006). Category of germsp(2n)-modules with bounded weight multiplicities. Mosc. Math. J. 6 No.1, 119-134, 222. [MR(link is external)] [GS?(link is external)]
- Gorelik, Maria and Serganova, Vera (2005). Shapovalov forms for Poisson Lie superalgebras. In Noncommutative geometry and representation theory in mathematical physics Contemp. Math. 391 111-121 Amer. Math. Soc. Providence, RI. [MR(link is external)] [GS?(link is external)]
Research interests:
Super-representation theory