Course Requirements: Pure Mathematics

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Fall 2022 Math Requirements & L&S Grading Option Policy Modification

In light of the College of Letters and Science’s recent extension of the Pass/No Pass late change of class schedule deadline to 11:59 p.m. PT this Sunday, December 11, 2022, the Math Department is adjusting its policies for the Fall 2022 semester. Please see the full announcement here.  

Requirements for the Major in Mathematics

(consists of five lower-division and eight upper-division courses)

Lower-Division Required Courses

Mathematics 1A Calculus
Mathematics 1B Calculus
Mathematics 53 Multivariable Calculus
Mathematics 54 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations or Math 56 Linear Algebra
Mathematics 55 Discrete Mathematics

(For declared double+ majors only: We will accept Physics 89 in lieu of Math 54 for students with a double major in Physics, provided that the grade is at least a C.  We will accept EECS 16A plus EECS 16B in lieu of Math 54 for students with a double major in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, provided that both grades are at least a C.  We will accept Computer Science 70 in lieu of Mathematics 55 for students with a double major in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, provided that the grade is at least a C. In order for these alternate courses to be accepted, the student must be adding the Mathematics/Applied Mathematics major after Physics/CS/EECS has already been declared.)

Upper-Division Required Courses

Mathematics 104 Introduction to Analysis
Mathematics 110 Linear Algebra
Mathematics 113 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Mathematics 185 Introduction to Complex Analysis

Two Semi-Electives

Choose one course from two of the following three areas:

Computing: Math 124 Programming for Mathematical Applications, Math 128A Numerical Analysis, or Math 156 Numerical Analysis for Data Science and Statistics
Geometry: Math 130 Groups and Geometries, Math 140 Metric Differential Geometry, Math 141 Elementary Differential Topology, Math 142 Elementary Algebraic Topology, or Math 143 Elementary Algebraic Geometry
Logic and Foundations: Math 125A Intro to Logic, Math 135 Intro to Theory of Sets, Math 136 Incompleteness and Undecidability

Two Electives

At least two additional upper-division (or graduate) mathematics courses must be taken, making a total of at least eight upper-division courses in the major. Math 191 or 196 may be used for the elective requirement only with a math faculty advisor approval in advance; Math 199 may not be used. Courses in other departments may count toward this requirement provided they have substantial mathematical content and are offered for at least 3 units each, but must be approved by a math faculty advisor in advance; email approval must be forwared to a Math Major Advisor. 

Additional requirements for graduating with Honors in Math can be found on our Honors Program page. 

Please also note the following...

Courses used to fulfill major requirements must be taken for a letter grade. If a required major course is taken Pass/No Pass, it would need to be repeated for a letter grade.  If a major elective is taken Pass/No Pass, it would need to be repeated for a letter grade or a different (letter-graded) elective would need to take its place. Exceptions may be made for coursework taken in Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, or Summer 2021. For specific information, please read this message from November 19, 2020 - these policies above were extended through summer 2021.

UC Berkeley courses used towards major requirements must be at least 3 semester units each.   

A maximum of 4 non-Berkeley courses may be applied towards the 8 upper-division major requirements.  In order for a non-UC Berkeley course to be used for the major it must be at least 4 quarter or 3 semester units, be accepted for units by the UC Berkeley admissions office, and be accepted by a faculty advisor for the major requirement.  (The faculty advisor's approval should be in writing and then submitted to 964 or 965 Evans for your student file.)  Moreover, your grade point average in those of the 8 upper-division major requirements which were taken at UC Berkeley must be 2.0 or higher by the time of graduation in order to use any non-Berkeley courses towards upper-division major requirements.  Questions?: Please contact one of the undergraduate advisors in 964 or 965 Evans. 

The requirements and procedures for declaring the major can be found on our Majoring in Mathematics page.